Monday, August 31, 2009

Safari Cookies

For my youngest sons birthday we had a safari theme. I made the cake and the cookies for favors for the adults.

monogrammed cookies

These cookies were ordered for a baby shower. They are just as cute in blue for a baby boy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jacobs 3 1/2 Birthday

When I asked my son what kind of party he wanted he told me he wanted a ball party. When I asked what kind of ball he proceeded to name all the balls that he could think of. I knew that making cookies would be easy. And my wonderful mom helped me out by doing most of the decorating for the cookies. Aren't they cute? The cake was a little more challenging for me... but I am very proud of the way it turned out and it tasted good too. It's a vanilla buttermilk cake with buttercream frosting and chocolate shavings in the filling. yum.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sad day in the Kerbo household

I can't believe that I did it. I made OU cookies. A friend, who shall remain nameless, asked me to make OU cookies for her son to take to school for his birthday. My first response was NO! But then I realized that she was only like my 4th customer so I probably shouldn't turn her down. My husband was NOT happy with me seeing as how football season is right around the corner. I really need someone to order OSU cookies from me......SOON! :)


We went to a superbowl party this last year and I thought it would be fun to make some superbowl cookies to take. We weren't really rooting for one team or the other (in fact... I don't even remember who won) so I was able to be equal opportunity in my decorating.

baby cookies

I have made these cute baby cookies many times. They can easily be made for boys or girls and everyone always loves them.

Ok... I know these aren't cookies but I loved these cupcakes. They not only looked cute but they tasted great too. They were just white cakes with cream cheese icing. Yummy!

Hannah Montana Guitars

These guitars were for a very cute little girl's 6th birthday. She took them to school with her for all of her classmates. She must have a great mom to let her take such a cool treat to share with all of her friends. :) I have to say though that these little guitars were probably the most challenging cookie that I have ever made!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


These cute purse cookies were for a mother/daughter jewlery party. The purses were made to match the invitation. From what I heard the cookies and the party were a huge success.

Hawaiian Luau

Josh's uncle recently turned 60 and the whole family turned out to celebrate. The theme was obviously a Hawaiian Luau. I think that the hibiscus flowers were my favorite!

Birthday Cookies

These cookies were made for a great friend. She has done everything possible to help me get my "cookie business" up and running and I wanted to do something special for her birthday.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Butterfly Cookies

I made these pretty butterfly cookies for a wonderfully sweet lady at church. I had promised her my cookie recipe and kept forgetting to get it to her. I was hoping that by giving her some pretty cookies she would forgive me for being so late.